guard rings中文什么意思

发音:   用"guard rings"造句
  • guard ring:    护圈;防止戒指脱落的指环。
  • rings:    吊环; 扣环; 林斯
  • s-rings:    型扣环
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  1. It is obvious that , in general , guard rings should be on both sides of the pcb with plated - through holes
  2. In applications where high impedances and very low currents are involved a guard ring may be used to minimize the effects of low insulation resistance
  3. Key be flame rings may release 23 instructors to learn skills - agni incantations ; be guard rings lives in the most dangerous time to save a life - rings will be broken
  4. If the node is at , or near to , ground then a grounded guard ring will be appropriate , if it is at some other potential it may be necessary to use a high input impedance buffer amplifier , with its input connected to the node , to force the guard ring to the node potential


  1. guard ring 什么意思
  2. guard ring capacitor 什么意思
  3. guard ring of stern tube 什么意思
  4. guard ring tocograph 什么意思
  5. guard ring type capacitor 什么意思
  6. guard room 什么意思
  7. guard rope 什么意思
  8. guard row 什么意思
  9. guard rows 什么意思
  10. guard safety guard 什么意思


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